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I Heart Interval Training

Yes, this is from Men’s Fitness but anyone can do it!  You’ve got this!!! I will be starting Workout One this week. Boom! 
8 Amazing Fat-Burning Intervals
By Jeremy DuVall, CPT December 26, 2013 | 7:52am EST
                    Burn Your Gut       
                    Stuffed? Get back to fat-burning with these intervals.       

If your goal is to burn fat, intervals better be part of your program. Besides being a quick method to getting in a great workout, intervals are extremely effective for transforming your physique. By incorporating intense periods of work with short recovery segments, intervals allow you to keep the workout intensity high while still maintaining form. The magic of high intensity interval training (or HIIT for short) lies its ability to keep you burning fat even after you leave the gym. In short, your body isn’t able to bring in enough oxygen during periods of hard work. Therefore, you accumulate a “debt” of oxygen that must be repaid post-workout in order to get back to normal. The result — your metabolism is revved for hours after you leave the gym. Trainers refer to this phenomena as excess post-exercise oxygen consumption or EPOC. The biggest way to use it to your advantage is to make short, intense exercise bouts a regular piece of your workout regimen.

Intense circuits also stimulate muscle-building hormones like growth hormone and IGF-1. This puts your body in a perfect state to build lean mass. Along side the hormone response, interval training also develops the cardiovascular system. By pushing your heart rate high during periods of work, you’ll increase your cardio ability and strengthen your heart. During the short rest intervals, you also increase your recovery capabilities meaning you’ll be able to recover faster in future workout sessions.

When creating interval workouts, focus on including difficult movements that challenge your entire body in a single exercise. Aim to include at least two exercises back to back before allowing your body to recover. Catch your breath in between rounds, but don’t allow yourself to recover fully before attacking the next set.

To jumpstart your routine, we’ve compiled a list of favorite interval workouts from our top trainers. Pick one or two to incorporate in your weekly routine. Include at least a day of rest in between workouts as these intervals are intense.

* The following workouts have been approved by the certified training staff of HUMANFITPROJECT



Courtesy of Mike Duffy, owner and head trainer at Mike Duffy’s Personal Training Studio.

Round One: *Burpees *Mountain Climbers *Jumping Jacks

Three circuits: 10 reps first round, 15 reps second round and 20 reps third round. Non-stop no rests.

*Jump rope 3 minutes

Rest 1 minute

Round Two: *Walking Lunges with Kettlebell exchange underneath leg *Pushups *Lunge Jumps *Walk-outs (inchworms)

Three circuits: 45 seconds per exercise with a 15 second break between each exercise and circuit.

*Jump rope 3 minutes

Rest 1 minute

Round Three: *Traveling Kettlebell Squats *TRX Pullups *Box Jumps *TRX Jack Knives

Three circuits: 45 seconds per exercise with a 15 second break between each exercise and circuit.

*Jump rope 3 minutes

Rest 1 minute

Round Four: *Traveling Side Lunges *Dips *Speed Skaters (lateral jumps) *Plank to Pushup

Three circuits: 45 seconds per exercise with a 15 second break between each exercise and circuit.



Courtesy of Brian Jensen, CPT of Mike Duffy’s Personal Training Studio.

*Jump Rope

*Plyo Push-up

*Bodyweight Rows

*Medicine Ball Squat to Overhead Throw


*Medicine Ball Chest Pass

*Renegade Rows

*Jumping Lunges


*Treadmill Incline Sprints

Follow a tabata protocol (20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest) for each of the above exercises. Go through each exercise once before repeating the entire circuit. Rest two minutes before repeating. Aim to complete three rounds of the circuit.



Courtesy of JC Deen of

*30 seconds of this:  25 mark for rope movement 15 second rest 

*30 seconds of sledgehammer to a tire as fast as possible 60 second rest between supersets

Repeat two to three times post workout for conditioning purposes.



Courtesy of JC Deen of

*30 Yard Loaded Sled Push

*25 Kettlebell Swings  90 second rest between sets

Repeat two to three times post workout. 



Courtesy of Justin Klein, CSCS with HUMANFITPROJECT

*1 minute Sprint 90 second Recovery

*1 minute Sprint at 3% incline 90 second Recovery

*1 minute Sprint at 6% incline 90 second Recovery

*1 minute Sprint at 9% incline 90 second Recovery 

*1 minute Sprint at 12% incline 90 second Recovery

Repeat three to six times depending on level of conditioning.



Courtesy of Justin Klein, CSCS with HUMANFITPROJECT

*5 minute jogging warm-up

*Increase speed/intensity until heart rate reaches 85% of peak heart rate.

*Lower intensity to a jog/brisk walk until heart rate reaches 65% of peak heart rate

*5 minute jogging cool-down

Continue these intervals for four to six rounds to start. As conditioning increases set a time limit and attempt to achieve a certain goal of intervals by the end of this time. If you don’t have a heart rate monitor, find your pulse and count for six seconds then multiply that number by 10 to estimate your heart rate.



Courtesy of Jeremey DuVall, CPT of

*30 seconds of Tire Flips 

*30 seconds of Medicine Ball Slam 

*30 seconds of Battle Rope Slams 

*100 yards of Loaded Sled Push

*100 yards of Farmer’s Walk

Repeat for a total of four rounds resting two minutes between each round.



Courtesy of Jeremey DuVall, CPT of

*30 seconds of Kettlebell Swings

*30 seconds of Right Arm Kettlebell Snatch 

*30 seconds of Right Arm Kettlebell Push Press

*30 seconds of Right Arm Overhead Walking Lunges with Kettlebell

*30 second Sprint

Rest 90 seconds then repeat on left arm. Aim for completing two to three circuits on each arm.

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“Focus, determination, competition and pursuit of a goal do not have a gender.”

Have you seen this?

We are all made differently. Embrace YOUR body. We are all unique and are made up of different genes, therefore will never be the same.  Isn’t that great, though?  Some may have a smaller frame and be built to be lean while some may have bigger frames and be built for strength.  That’s just how it is.  Both are beautiful.

I will never be EXACTLY the same as anyone else, not even the girl next to me at the gym that may be thinner (or fitter) than me, and it’s a beautiful thing.  My ass is going to be bigger and there is nothing I can do about it.  But I will make it pretty and plump!  We, as women, have to mentally stay positive about our bodies.  Statistics show that on average, most women will have about 13 negative thoughts about their appearance per day.  Stop it!  If you love your body it will love you back. But you have to take care of it…Results don’t just magically appear, you must put in the effort for a healthy body. Eat healthy and exercise regularly and find YOUR ideal shape. 

* ‘I love my curves and I embrace them.’ Eva Mendes
* ‘I think that whatever size or shape body you have, it’s important to embrace it  and get down! The female body is something that’s so beautiful. I wish women  would be proud of their bodies and not diss other women for being proud of  theirs!’ Christina Aguilera
* ‘To all girls with butts, boobs, hips and a waist, put on a bikini – put it on  and stay strong.’ Jennifer Love Hewitt
* ‘I’ve never felt a push to be stick thin. I work out and eat healthy, so mostly  it’s about being in shape and having energy.’ Lauren Conrad
* ‘I love my body. It’s what God gave me’ Kate Upton

Keep in mind that our bodies are capable of amazing things!!!