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“Focus, determination, competition and pursuit of a goal do not have a gender.”

Have you seen this?

We are all made differently. Embrace YOUR body. We are all unique and are made up of different genes, therefore will never be the same.  Isn’t that great, though?  Some may have a smaller frame and be built to be lean while some may have bigger frames and be built for strength.  That’s just how it is.  Both are beautiful.

I will never be EXACTLY the same as anyone else, not even the girl next to me at the gym that may be thinner (or fitter) than me, and it’s a beautiful thing.  My ass is going to be bigger and there is nothing I can do about it.  But I will make it pretty and plump!  We, as women, have to mentally stay positive about our bodies.  Statistics show that on average, most women will have about 13 negative thoughts about their appearance per day.  Stop it!  If you love your body it will love you back. But you have to take care of it…Results don’t just magically appear, you must put in the effort for a healthy body. Eat healthy and exercise regularly and find YOUR ideal shape. 

* ‘I love my curves and I embrace them.’ Eva Mendes
* ‘I think that whatever size or shape body you have, it’s important to embrace it  and get down! The female body is something that’s so beautiful. I wish women  would be proud of their bodies and not diss other women for being proud of  theirs!’ Christina Aguilera
* ‘To all girls with butts, boobs, hips and a waist, put on a bikini – put it on  and stay strong.’ Jennifer Love Hewitt
* ‘I’ve never felt a push to be stick thin. I work out and eat healthy, so mostly  it’s about being in shape and having energy.’ Lauren Conrad
* ‘I love my body. It’s what God gave me’ Kate Upton

Keep in mind that our bodies are capable of amazing things!!!

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Does it HAVE to be a bad day?

Everyone has experienced those days where you should have just stayed in bed a little while longer.  That’s what happened for me on this lovely Monday.  It just seems like sometimes the universe is testing me!  Hitting my head while exiting my vehicle in the parking garage was the cherry on top of my morning.  I wasn’t even at work yet!  Breathe. Yes, I realize I am fortunate enough to have a car, a job, a house, food, etc. and there are PLENTY of people who are having a waaaaay shittier day than I am, but sometimes on these mornings I just kinda want to scream (or cry) but I usually end up just laughing at myself. 

Warning:  the emotions are running high

What I want to do:  go home, get in my jammies and go back to bed for an hour.  Then I want to go to the gym and work it out – HARD. Then I want to take a hot bubble bath and belt out some tunes Pretty Woman style.  That should help!   

I definitely do NOT want to be sitting in front of this work computer alllllllll day but I will anyway. 

You know what I’m going to do?!?  I’m going to take deep breath.  I’m going to sit up taller and have good posture.  I’m going to turn on some happy music.  I’m going to put a smile on my face and get to work.  During my lunch hour, I am going to go outside.  I’m going to walk. I’m going to eat something really clean and healthy. Maybe grab a coffee. I’m going to keep it in perspective; it doesn’t mean my entire day (or life) is going to go downhill.  After work, I’m going to pick up my beautiful, healthy daughter and I’m going to go to the gym. Afterward, I’m going to go home to my handsome lover, grab his face and kiss him with passion. I’m going to focus on the positive and amazing things that I have in my life. I am blessed.

So many times I’ve heard the saying “It’s just a bad day, not a bad life.”  Well, even the bad moments don’t have to turn into bad days. It’s just a bad moment.  Period. And is it REALLY that bad?!?  Put it into perspective.  It could be worse…

Mentally and emotionally conquer these times.  Some days like these will require emotional strength and realizing that maybe it isn’t so bad…but then there are some days like these that may require a mental health day to yourself.  Know your body and your needs.  

Good day or Bad day. The choice is yours!

I have to just giggle and laugh about some of the recent events.  Maybe that makes me a little crazy, but maybe that makes me a little sane. 

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“A change from unhealthy habits to healthy habits will yield extraordinary results.”


“Diets are doomed to failure each and every time!. The only successful way to both lose weight and maintain ideal weight is to establish lifelong healthy eating habits.”


Stay strong.  Budget accordingly; Real food is more expensive. Keep pushing for your health!  It’s a mental battle most of the time, but it becomes easier and natural once you overcome the bad habit.  Educate yourself; research nutrition, recommendations & effects of the foods you’re putting in your body. Be aware. You only get one.