

My Sweat Craving

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There are times throughout the month when I have the NEED to just drip in sweat!  While I still “glow” during strength training, yoga classes, core/balance, etc., there is something I love about being so sweaty and gross after a straight cardio workout.  I was craving that feeling today, so I went to the gym during my lunch hour to get my fix.  I ran and ran and ran on that damn treadmill.  Okay, it was only 20 minutes on the treadmill due to my time restraint I call work, but it was killer.  I usually start with a brisk walk for 1/4 mile, then I run at a pretty steady pace (around 6.7) for 1 mile.  At that point, I will crank that shit up to a 9 and sprint for 1/4 mile then bring it back down to my walking pace for another 1/4 mile.  I then run a steady pace again for 1/2 mile, then book it for another 1/4.  I try not to pay too much attention to the time, but instead, the distance.  I don’t really have a specific pattern that I stick to so I listen to my body. Some days I really feel it and sprint more than walk/run, while other days I walk/run more than sprint.  But I love it!  It makes me sweaty and I feel like I am literally melting off my damn thighs  🙂     After my 20 minute sprints, I jumped on the Stair Master where I lost some of this booty.  I did the “fat burner” for 20 minutes and finished off with abs.

Don’t worry, I showered at the gym before going back to work.  Ahhhhhhhh, I feel much better!!!  Full of energy and happy…and now to re-hydrate 🙂


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